
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Q: Who sins in abortion, the woman having the abortion or the doctor performing it?

The answer, of course, is both. Both the mother who wants, permits, and approves of the killing of her child, and the doctor who kills the baby are guilty. Both need to repent. But the net of guilt is cast wider than simply the mother and physician.

The boyfriend who prods his girlfriend to kill their unborn child sins. The parent who’d rather not deal with the stares and gossip and drives her daughter to the abortion clinic sins. The person who actively participates in a culture that abdicates parental responsibility and devalues prenatal life by promoting individual privacy at the expense of the unborn sins. In fact, I’d argue that each of us by simply paying taxes in our province that then go to government-funded health care that pays for abortions sins. It should crush us that being a tax-paying resident or citizen of Canada means we pay for the legal killing of our country’s children.

In the end, all of us need to repent of our complicity in abortion.

[Answered by Dr. Stephen Tu, Trinity Pacific Church, Vancouver]