
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Q: What does this passage mean by worshipping "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24)?

Jesus said that true worship is characterized by two things:

1) It is in spirit or from the heart, in other words it is sincere.

2) It is in truth, that is it is according to the dictates of the Word of God, which is the TRUTH (Jn. 17:17).

The context of this passage was a Samaritan Woman who was asking Jesus basically which location was best to worship God in? Jesus responded by saying that it’s not about a traditional location, but it is about worshipping with the right SPIRIT (check out Romans 12:1) as well as the right UNDERSTANDING (Truth embodied in following Jesus in the Bible).

For more in depth study on this topic please check out this article.

[Answered by Pastor Shu-Ling]