
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Q: How do you worship God through actions?

Worshipping God through actions, movement or physical expressions are evident all over the bible. Although there is no clear biblical support “mandating” these actions, we can still, however, see that the many people in the bible expressed themselves in outward movements (actions) in responsive worship to God.

Here are some examples (specifically in the book of Psalms) of the actions of people worshiping God:

  1. Psalm 95:6 – Come, let us bow down in worship (Symbol of Humility)
  2. Psalm 63:4 – In your name I will lift up my hands (Hand gestures for the attitude of the heart)
  3. Psalm 33:2-3 - Play skillfully on the lyre (Worshipping through playing music instruments)
  4. Psalm 47:1 – Clap your hands, all you people! Shout to God with loud songs of joy! (clap hands while singing songs of joy in God)
  5. Psalm 66:1 – Shout to God with joy, sing the glory of his name (Spontaneous joy and gladness because of the Creator and Redeemer)

Lastly, I will leave you with this thought about “movement” from the Global Worship Movement which I have found helpful.

Movement – this word has two implications;

1) Movement in regards to a physical participation in worship --we have a passion to inspire and lead everyday people in the integration of movement into worship and to embody Romans 12:1 

2) Movement in regards to a move of God --we have a passion to be used by God in His acts of redemption and restoration of His creation throughout the world

[Answered by Pastor Shu-Ling, Worship Ministry]