
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Q: I asked a new friend today if she was any religion, and she told me she was a 'half-Christian.' During SPLAT, I remember a sermon telling us that our faith with God cannot be lukewarm?

A:  The passage that you are referring to comes from Revelation 3:16, which says:
16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
What this basically means it that that you are neither a Christian or a non-Christian and you waiver in between.  Therefore, because of that non-commital attitude, God is displeased.

We are either Christians or not.  We either align ourselves with Good or with Evil.  We either stand with God or with Satan.  There is no half way or or "half Christian".  You either are, or you are not.  The Gospel is very clear to say that if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we reap the benefits of eternal life.  We cannot half accept the Gospel or half believe it is true.  You either do, or you do not. 

In the case of your friend, she obviously has not made a decision yet.  However, I think it's important for you, as her friend, not to write her off yet!  I find that many people who say they are "half Christians" are either confused about their faith (maybe her parents are Buddhist but she goes to church) or are not ready to make that step of faith yet (she may consider herself "half Christian" because she does not think she knows enough to commit).  I think you need to reach out to her and explain to her:
1.  There is no such thing as a half-Christian and that soon, she'll have to make a decision.
2.  The Gospel.  Help her to understand the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and what that means to us as Christians. 
3.  If you cant answer all her questions, point her to her counselors or Pastors.

[answered by Pastor KJT]