
Friday, May 21, 2010

Q: I need some help on getting back on track with God-- I'm finding it hard to read the Bible everyday and my relationship with Jesus seems like it's getting more distant. I want to continue in my journey and to know God more. What should I do?

A:  Serve!  Part of our responsibilities and life as a Christian is to serve in the local church.  Since you say that you are at least trying to read your Bible every day and yearn for a relationship with Jesus Christ, I think the next step for you is to be part of a leadership team that uses the gifts that God has given you to serve others and serve God.

Our faith needs to be coupled with some action.  If we always only read our Bibles and never apply the principles, than we are just stifling our growth.  Jesus didn't just preach with His mouth, but He also reached out to the poor, the widowed and the marginalized.  We need to put our faith into action and DO something as well!  

Finding your spiritual gifts may be confusing to discern, but I would suggest for you to try different things!  There are so many ministries in the church that you can be apart of.  Just pick one and give it a go.  Who knows, you may fall in love with it and find your purpose.  If you don't think it's suitable, than move on.  God created us to have a relationship with Him, but He also wants to partner up with us so that we may do His will.

[answered by Pastor KJT]