
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Q: In Romans 12:1, what does Paul mean what he says "in view of God's mercy" and "renewing the mind"?

Also, how do we test & approve what God's will is?

When Paul writes about God’s mercy, he is clearly alluding to the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, on the cross and His saving grace. He is saying that we can only worship God because of His MERCY through Jesus’ saving action in our lives. This is so no one can boast in their own actions but only in God alone.

In the context of this passage, the way we can “test and approve what God’s will is” is through a transformed and renewed mind. Now what does that encompass? It encompasses a mind that is transformed by Christ. When we confess our sins to Jesus, declare Him as Lord, and follow Him, the pattern of our lives will start to change from how society and culture tells us to live. We will start filtering our thoughts and minds through the Word of God and how Jesus would want us to live (hopefully this is not too cheesy, but that is the point of WWJD – what would Jesus do?)

So when we start to follow Christ in all that we do, we will start to understand the good and perfect will of God. We will know what God wants us to do in our lives (our PURPOSE) and how to live with others (showing the grace and mercy He has given us).

[Answered by Pastor Shu-Ling]