
Friday, May 21, 2010

Q: Pushy Christianity?

Recently my dad told me I was being too pushy when trying to tell others about how Christ has worked in my life. I also find that it seems fake when I try to fit God into my conversations with others. How can I evangelize without being pushy?

Hey! I think it’s awesome that you want to share about Christ and how He has worked in your life.

First and foremost, it is a commandment for us to spread the gospel to all corners of the world as we read in Matthew 28:19-20 to “… go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

We share about Christ because we, who have been given eternal life through grace by faith in Jesus Christ, love Him and seek to obey Him! There are many believers who don’t feel they are properly prepared to be an effective witness for Christ. So often we don’t even share with others because we fear the “What If’s”. What if they ask me something that I don’t know the answer too? What if they get offended? What if they reject my offer? What if? What if? What if? After pondering these “What if’s” long enough most of us never get going in sharing the Good News of Christ to others. We all have struggled with these hindrances throughout each of our Christian lives but we can overcome them by doing 4 simple things. Hopefully these will help you.

1. Pray! Pray!! Pray!!! - Before any conversation, ask the Lord to break our hearts for the individual who is not saved. Far too often we can come across as a used car salesmen selling something, a little bit insincere and very pushy. This is usually because we may think that we are better than the other person and not because of a compassion-filled heart. People respond more readily to a humble offer from a loving friend then a pushy preacher. It is in prayer that our confidence is built up and our compassion is developed. So begin to pray regularly for your friend who you would like Christ to reach through you.

2. Know the Gospel - According to Acts 4:12, salvation is found in a person, Jesus Christ! The security found in Christianity is that salvation is based upon our relationship with Christ, which does not change. You see when someone places their faith in Jesus they are adopted into the family of God. God loves us so much that he sent his Son into the world to die for our sins and enable us to have a relationship with Him. Because of Christ, we can now enter into a relationship with God by trusting in Christ with all of our hearts and surrendering our lives to Him.

3. Know Your Testimony - The fact is the number one reason why people come to Christ as seen in the New Testament is because of the simple presentation of the gospel coupled with the personal testimony of someone who has become a follower of Christ – you!. Over and over again the Apostle Paul shares his testimony with those he wants to win to Christ. The question that many folks will have is “why are you a Christian?” Be ready to share your faith and know how to answer this question.

4. Start the Conversation … But Don’t Force It - The best context to share your faith with someone is when you are in a relationship with them. Don’t be afraid to take your time getting to know their heart and unique challenges. It’s been said that as we come to share Christ with others, that “Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.” Yet taken one step further, we can say that the “Gospel is one beggar simply giving another beggar the bread of life.” Let’s learn to be willing to give it away!

Take a look at Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman in John 4 as an example of how you can witness to others.
Here are some off-the-top-of-my-head ideas that may help you not be pushy with your friends. Here goes...

  1. Interrupt people's lives purely for the sake of evangelism.
  2. Hand anyone a tract until you know they're interested in reading it (maybe not even then.)
  3. Use tracts that look like money (ever!)
  4. Wear a sandwich board, hold a sign or use a bullhorn (or shout as if you wished you had one.)
  5. Use scripture with people who clearly don't care about it.
  6. Wear a big, fake smile and slap people on the back and say "awesome" all the time.
  7. Argue (ever!)
  8. Force people to hear your message in order receive something else that they want.
  9. Lose interest in a person once they've said they're not interested in the gospel
  10. Separate your "real life" from your "ministry life."

  1. Listen carefully and respectfully
  2. Be yourself, and talk like you talk normally.
  3. Be willing to admit that you don't know everything.
  4. Be willing to admit that Christianity is not easy.
  5. Apologize for the times that you have failed to exhibit the love of Christ.
  6. Meet people's needs with no strings attached.
  7. Invite people into your life.
  8. Consider living among the people you're ministering to (or minister to the people you're living among.)
  9. Pray earnestly for unbelievers and for your ability to be Christ to them.
  10. Enjoy people's company, plain and simple.

OK. I know I'm missing a lot, so you'll have to add a few of your own. Go ahead. I know you can do it. Great Question! Thanks for asking!

[Answered by Ray Lee, Summer Intern]