
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Q: Are Christians allowed to date in school?

A:  There have been numerous questions that have been asked in reference to dating, so I will be pointing you to some of them in this answer.

Firstly, let's establish something.  The Bible does not talk about dating specifically as during those times, people did not date.  They went from engaged to married.  Dating is a late 20th century model of courtship.

So having said that, I believe there are some things that you must ask yourself before you decide to date a person.  Mainly, you need to reflect on why you wish to date in the first place.  Read THIS blog and then come back to continue this answer. 

I suspect that you are also asking this question because there may be a person of interest at your school in which case a question has been answered about how to deal with crushes.  Go to THIS blog, read it and especially watch the youtube video at the end. 

Now, to answer the question at hand, are Christians allowed to date in school;  I would say that if you are seriously ready to consider marriage and the person who you are thinking about dating is on the same page, than you are ready to date.  The fact is that most people in elementary and high school are NOT ready for this type of lifetime commitment even if they think are.  Thus, as a Pastor, I highly recommend that those in elementary and high school hold off on dating until university.  Of course, this is just a guideline and ultimately, the choice is yours.  But if you're asking for my solid answer, that would be it.

Please visit these blogs HERE for more information on dating, parental approval and if it's okay for Christians to date non-Christians. 

[answered by Pastor KJT]