
Friday, June 4, 2010

Q: I have recently became a Christian and I feel like my passion towards God has faded away and really want to get it back. But it is so difficult for me because I can't always make it to church weekly considering the rest of my family isn't Christian, it's only me. I became Christian with the guidance of a close friend who helped get to know God better. You can just imagine how much love I had for Jesus and how eager I was to follow him. After awhile, the passion began to fade as I kept sinning. I keep on asking God to forgive me, and now I think he's tired of forgiving me. Please give me some advise.

A:   Firstly, I want to address the last part of your question; about God being tired of forgiving you.  Trust me...He is NOT tired of forgiving you.  As a matter of fact, He wants to and has done so already and has shown this through the death of Jesus Christ.  Our God is a God of grace and mercy.  In the Bible, it talks how God forgives us and His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).  What this verse basically means is that we sin on a daily basis, but we wake up every morning with a clean slate. 

His love never fades, His grace will never go away and as long as you seek after Him, He's not going to "revoke" you.  Please do remember this foundational truth.  

In your situation, with your non-Christian parents and the inability to come to church and be apart of our community, I do realize it's tough.  Continue to pray to deepen your walk with Christ and also spend time with some Christian friends at school.  I've answered a similar question before, so I will link you to some more practical solutions.  Please read my responses HERE and HERE

Just remember that you are a child of His.  And even in times of need and you don't "feel" Him, He is there waiting for us.  Have patience and be joyful in this trying time.

[answered by Pastor KJT]