
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Q: If Lazarus died and rose again, did he get to see what heaven was like before he was risen from the dead?

A:  Truth be told, this is a question that I cannot fully answer with certainty.  Mainly because this is a wonder that is not fully explained to us as it is miracle that Christ performs, but also because it is not addressed in the Bible.  It's just something that we have to take by faith as truth and trust that what the Bible tells us is in fact what happened.

I will say that when we die, our bodies are not resurrected, it is our souls.  For Christians (which is the case for Lazarus), we are told that are souls are taken to heaven as we have been redeemed by Christ's sacrifice and forgiveness.  Our bodies are left "as is" until the 2nd and final coming of Christ in which case our bodies and souls are resurrected. 

Again, the case of Lazarus is a phenomena that we cannot understand.  God does, what God needs to do.  For more information, please go HERE

[answered by Pastor KJT]