
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Q: Is it possible to be a bisexual and a Christian at the same time? Is a bisexual expected to suppress their feelings for the same sex to please God?

Many principles of a previous answer applies to this question. Take a look! Check out Pastor HM's answer too and watch the Mark Driscoll video.

In a nutshell: Any sexual orientation and action outside heterosexual male-female relationships is considered sinful. Other preferences are the result of the Fall (sin). Bisexuality would fall under this category. It is not what God intended for the purpose of sexuality.

So the answer in short depends on what do you mean by the word 'suppress'? If you intend to turn away from sinfulness, struggle against those feelings through His strength, and pray and seek out earnest healing and redemption from God, then yes, this is what God calls us to do. If by 'suppress', you mean ignore, then this would probably not be very helpful. You can't deny the feelings you have, whether light or strong; rather acknowledge that we still have sin that needs to be purged from our lives and fight against giving into them. God calls us to His will of holiness for our lives and to put away the desires of the flesh so that we may glorify Him. Trust in the Lord to get you through periods of temptation and believe that He is in the process of healing and redeeming us. Because these are deeply personal sins and hard to beat on our own, find an accountability partner to encourage and support you through these times.

[Answered by Jon]