
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Q: How can an all-loving God make me do his bidding?

Q: "My friend, who I had a discussion on God with, said that the reason why he doesn't believe in God (or a god) is that an all-loving God would never need people on Earth to do his bidding. Even though I tried explaining this to him, he still refused to believe. Is there a way past this barrier, or does it requite 'brute' persuasion?"

I'll say a few things regarding this issue. First - as a matter of theology - God does not need anyone to do anything. He is all-sufficient, all-sovereign and all-powerful. God did not create us out of necessity, but to glorify Himself (Psalm 19:1), show His love (Psalm 136) and show us His attributes (Romans 1:20). He created us because he is creative God. I'm sure you already tried to explain this to your friend, but I wanted to clear this up for others reading this blog post.

Second, I would lovingly challenge your friend to explain what he/she means by "all-loving" and "bidding."It seems your friend's conception of God is that of a control freak who desires mindless robots to obey his every word (perhaps they feel controlled in their life and are directing that anger toward God?). 

Of course, this is not simply true. God created us to be in joyful & close relationship with Him. But he also created us with dignity, and therefore with freedom and choice. Sadly, all of us have abused this freedom, choosing to reject God instead of following our created purpose of being with him in close relationship. That is why Jesus came. Jesus was lived, died on the cross for our sins, and was resurrected so that this broken relationship with God could be restored. What is the result of a restored relationship with God? JOY! Jesus said,  "So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy" (John 16:22). 

Your friend (and sadly, many others) may think that choosing to follow God and his ways is sad, pathetic and mind-numbing, but the truth is that God created us to be in relationship with him in JOY! Christians follow God - not because we HAVE to - but because we know that it is only in Him that we find true and lasting satisfaction, joy, peace and love. Remember that biblical freedom is not the ability to do whatever we want, but do what we were CREATED to do. We also evangelize others because we want our friend and family to know this joy as well. 

Third, to answer question directly ("Is there a way past this barrier, or does it requite 'brute' persuasion??"): No, there is no way past this barrier. We simply cannot convert people. It is only by God's Spirit that anyone comes to know Him and repent of their sins (John 16:8, 2 Tim. 2:25) . The only thing we can do is to witness faithfully, lovingly and joyfully. For example, when the opportunity arises, we can share about the impact God has made in our lives and the joy, peace and hope we know have in Him. On the other hand, though we cannot 'save' anyone, we can challenge their presuppositions and beliefs. Patiently listen to your friend and graciously respond. Tell them about why Christianity makes sense to you. Lastly, pray for them. Ask God to open their heart and doors of opportunity where you can share the gospel with them.

Thanks for your question, and your heart for your friend!

[Answered by HM, whose heart breaks for his friends who feel the same way about God]