
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Q: If a homosexual accepts Jesus, and everything but still doesn't want to change who they are, will they still end up in heaven?

This one is a toughie, indeed. Maybe you were reading 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and this question popped up into your head. It's pretty hard language. I think this question has a bunch of layers, so I will try to unpack them as they come along.

First, take a look at THIS: Pastor Ho-Ming answered a question on the Biblical perspective on homosexuality. Here's another article from a Christian Apologetic website. It'll put things into perspective. According to Scriptures, homosexuality is considered a sin and is condemned. It is not considered higher or lower than other sins, as certain groups may have blown it up to be, but it is still a serious rebellion against God and the way He created humanity.

Secondly, the two premises that make up the first part of this question don't seem to follow each other. If considering what it means to truly accept Christ into our lives, this becomes somewhat of a non-question. (Kind of like - Skittles' slogan, 'Taste the rainbow'... How can we taste the refracted light off water particles?!?!) That being said: we can't on the one hand say that we follow Jesus and on the other hand, not strive to do what He calls us to do! Take a look at 1 John 2:4. Saying that we believe in God and rebelliously and purposely not doing what He commands makes us liars and hypocrites; we wouldn't have ACTUALLY been following Jesus. Being saved means freedom from the consequence of sin, the new life, the struggle to take off the old self (desires of the world and flesh) and put on the new self (holiness), and the continual healing and transformation of the Holy Spirit. Change goes hand in hand with accepting Jesus; that's all part of the 'everything' that comes along with it.

Check out this resource on whether it is possible or not to be a practicing homosexual and a Christian. This is another one that discusses the tension between homosexuality and following Jesus.

To clarify, it possible to be Christian AND struggle against homosexual desires and temptations. Treat this as any sin, whether lying, cheating, stealing, or slandering. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to continually repent of our sins, resist temptation, and strive to be more like Him. The journey may be hard and we may fall many times, but we look faithfully to Jesus for our salvation, strength, forgiveness, and renewal. It is NOT possible, however, to be a Christian and just willingly and unrepentantly keep sinning. This person has not felt the conviction of God, nor the power of the cross.

As for the last part of the question: will they still end up in heaven? If a person has truly accepted and believed in Jesus, repented of their sin, and decided to follow Him, then yes, they will spend eternity with God in heaven. But THAT person is in the process of being changed by the Holy Spirit and actively trying not to sin. If they just say they accept Jesus by words only and do not live it out and struggle to turn from their sin, then no, they will not be going to heaven since they do not know Jesus and are actually rebelling against Him.

This article by Dawson McAllister sums it up much better than I can. I love his quote, "No Jesus, no change. Know Jesus, know change.”

[Answered by Jon]