
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Q: Is it "bad" to wear short shorts and tank tops?

Okay, there are so many ways in which I can explain this, so I will be "short" and sweet.

Firstly, I suspect that a girl is asking this question, so that is the route in which I will gear my answer to.

It's all about perspective, okay? When it's 30 degrees outside, and you're on vacation in Hawaii, yes, I absolutely think it's fine to wear [shorter] shorts and tank tops. No one expects you to be modest in a turtle neck and snow pants in that scenario.

However, if it's only 10 degrees outside and you want to get attention by wearing skimpy clothing than I would say the following:

1. You're attracting attention in the wrong way (guys should want to get to know you because of your intellect and brains, rather than solely with your physical attributes). In this way, you are also being a stumbling block to those guys who struggle with this sin of lust. Don't put it out there if you know a brother is weak in this area [read 1 Corinthians 8:9-10].

2. Your attitude is wrong and you're really abusing the body that God gave you. It was never meant to "flaunted" that way.

3. You're objectifying yourself. I hate it when I hear guys talking about girls like a piece of meat. It's so rude and completely disgusts me. We are people, with real feelings, with real emotions and real intellect. By putting our body out there and saying "look at me", we are feeding into this mentality that we are just great bodies. In fact, it's insulting for the rest of the women in this world when girls do this because it sends the wrong message and enforces the idea that we can be looked at as such.

4. Lastly, the combination of really short shorts and really low tank tops just look bad. It's not fashionable.

So, in conclusion. No, it is not bad to wear short shorts and a tank top. But please do it appropriately and for the appropriate reasons.

[answered by Pastor KJT, who wore shorts and tank tops in 2007 while vacationing in Hawaii]