
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Q: Is it okay to drink when your parents allow you to and if it's only something to accompany a meal?

A:  Consuming alcohol is a personal choice which some Christians decline and others enjoy with their meal.

Fundamentally, there is not an issue with consuming alcohol.  The Bible talks about getting drunk off wine, which is a sin because it alters the way that you think and feel.  Ultimately, the choices that we make while being drunk usually do not reflect Christ (Ephesians 5:17-19).  For this reason, many Christians stay away from alcohol altogether, rather not consuming any as to not put themselves in a position where there is a possibility of being drunk.

On the other hand, there are Christians who do enjoy a glass of wine with their meal or a beer while watching the game.  They are able to exercise self control and know when to stop.  The Bible does not condemn this but rather warns us not to overindulge and become drunk off our beverage.

It's also interesting to note that the Bible does not talk about an age limit or tell us when or where we can drink.  Therefore, consuming alcohol is a choice left up to us.  The government regulates that those who are 19+ can purchase and consume alcohol.  But does that mean as soon as you are 19, you should hit the LCBO and go crazy?  Absolutely not!

Alcohol must always be consumed in moderation, if consumed at all.  If you are curious to try alcohol and your parents permit it under their supervision, I think that is fine if it is consumed in moderation.  However, if you have no desire to try it and there is a conviction in your heart not to, you can decline the offer, even if it is from your parents.  I would advise against trying alcohol in any other situation other than with your parents if you are under the age of 19.  It's not only illegal, but dangerous and can put you in a position where you do not know when to stop and find yourself drunk.  And honesty, even at 19, some are not mature enough to handle the responsibilities of buying and consuming alcohol.  Age is not an indication of being ready for this, maturity is.

Bottom line is that alcohol can be consumed as long as it does not lead to drunkenness.  Whether you choose to or not is up to you, but as the Apostle Paul says,   
23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. - 1 Corinthians 10:23
 which means that there are some things that are acceptable but not beneficial or used to build us up.  If drinking falls under this category for you, than refrain from doing so.  If you are mature about it and can handle it, than consume with caution.  Cheers!

[answered by Pastor KJT]