
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Q: My best friend who claims to be Christian got plastic surgery last summer to make her eyes bigger...

...I was totally against it and tried to tell her she looked fine the way she was and advised her against it, but she got it done anyways. This year, she went and got it done again, for more drastic effects. She didn't even tell me before she got it this year and I had to find out through her brother. I don't know why she is doing this to herself. I thought once was more than enough, but apparently not. I don't know how far she is going to go with all this plastic surgery stuff. How should i approach her about this issue when she clearly doesn't listen?

A:  Plastic surgery has recently become more popular among teenagers and young professionals.  I think it's due to what I would call the "Hollywood" effect where younger stars are emerging and they are publically going under the knife (think: The Hills with breast enhancement, botox and lip plumping).  In the past, plastic surgery was more for the middle aged woman, but now, it's very mainstream spreading to women of all ages. 

From a Christian standpoint, plastic surgery for enhancement or change other than for medical purposes (I'll address that later on) would be going against what God has created.  The Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God (Psalms 139:14), and for us to change that, I believe shows our dissatisfaction with what God has created.  Most people that do minor plastic surgeries have an issue with self-esteem.  I find that that is usually the root cause for many young girls and the issue does not lie physically, but internally.  I know of the surgery that you are talking about and know that it is very popular in Korea.  Personally, I think this is a trend to make the "single eyelids" into "double eyelids" and don't think that Asian girls should do it.  That is what makes us unique and we should be proud of it; there is no need to conform ourselves to look like others. 

I mentioned about plastic surgery for the case of medical procedures above.  There are times when plastic surgery is a way of helping someone integrate back into society and will help with their self esteem.  Those cases, I would classify as medical ones where a person was a victim in a fire with burns to the face or other tragedies that would result with the need of facial reconstruction.  In those cases, I believe it is fine to go through plastic surgery to remodel and repair.  Plastic surgery in this case would be for need, rather than for beauty. 

For your friend, I'm not too sure what you can to do to stop her from doing these surgeries.  But I would talk with her and try to understand where this desire to change herself comes from.  Then I would reassure her that she is beautiful as she is and there is no need to go through with these procedures to conform to what the world believes is beautiful.  Keep reminding her and supporting her of this.  I believe that many girls just get sucked into the world of plastic surgery and as I have heard, it is very hard to stop at just one (think Heidi Montag).  The need to upkeep a look is too great and many woman do plastic surgery as a form of maintenance (ex, botox on a monthly basis, face lift on a yearly basis, etc). It is a good time to talk to your friend now, before it spirals out of control.  Keep praying for her!

[answered by Pastor KJT, who has "single eyelids" and wouldn't change it!]