
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Q: Is it appropriate for Christians to use birth-control (e.g. condoms?)

A:  There is no black and white answer to this question as this is a matter of personal conviction based on Biblical values.  I will give you my opinion and explain why I feel that way.  But before I do, I want to make one thing clear: it is NOT okay for not married Christians to be use birth control of ANY type other than abstinence because you are not married.  If you aren't married because you shouldn't be having sex and thus no reason for a contraceptive! 

I personally feel that it is okay for a Christian married couple to be using condoms or other contraceptives (other than emergency contraceptives).  Let me explain.  A young couple who just got married may not be ready to have children but still wish to enjoy the intimacy that God intended for His [married] children to have.  Thus, the use of condoms would be acceptable.  In the case of emergency contraceptives, I will leave you to read Dr. Steve Tu's answer as he has done extensive research on the topic.  You can find his answer HERE.

In Genesis 9:7, it says "As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.".  I realize that it is God's command for us to have children and many of them, but a couple has to also face the financial, emotional and physical realities of life and the responsibility of raising a child.  If they are not at the point where they can do so yet, contraceptives may be used. 

However, I believe that if we deliberately hold back from having kids because we don't want to change our lifestyle or not spend your money on children, than we are not following God's command.  If you can, you should.

Also along those lines, if a married Christian couple was to "accidentally" conceive, it is NOT acceptable to abort or use emergency contraceptives.  As a matter of fact, not only is it not acceptable, it is sinful to do so.  The child has already been "made" and thus the Christian should take it as a blessing and take responsibility for the baby.  After all, God does not make mistakes.

[answered by Pastor KJT]