
Friday, November 6, 2009

Q: Singing out loud in worship?

Q: One of my close friends doesn't sing during Sunday worship. They find it awkward to listen to their own voice out loud and have people listen in. Since singing is a form of worship, does that mean that God will look down upon these kinds of people? Is it bad that I have stopped myself from encouraging my friend to sing out loud? Is that not their personal choice, and are there not other ways to worship that does not directly involve your vocal chords?

This is quite an interesting question… with 2 more questions added into it! Haha! Anyways, to answer your question(s), I think it’s important to first look at what “worship” is. In short, Singing out loud on Sunday morning does not necessarily equate to worship. As you said yourself, it is a form of worshipping, but does represent it as a whole. Check out this verse.

Romans 12:1-2 says:

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

To God, our Spiritual service of worship, is what He’s looking for. Sometimes we get caught up just looking at people’s “outer expressions” we do not know what is going on the INSIDE. God does not look at our outer expressions, but to our inner expressions of worship. So to answer the 2nd part of the question, God doesn’t look down on people who don’t sing, but He does look at whether their heart is set towards Him in repentance, praise and thankfulness.

I’ve been leading worship for Sunday worship services for 13 years and I’ve also had similar questions as to why some people simply choose not to sing out. I’ve realized that some people may not be ready to outwardly express their worship to God or prefer to sing “in their hearts”. I know that sounds like a cop-out answer, but it is true for some people. Learning to worship can be understood in parallel to learning to read your bible!

Anyways, I think the main idea of worshipping together as the Gathered people of God is to remember one part of that verse, “to present your BODIES as A living sacrifice”. Our worship is not only an individual act, but a communal one. We are called to worship God together and that could possibly take some sacrifice and growing pains in the learning process. Maybe someday your friend will realize that by singing in worship to God it is not simply and individualistic thing, but we are singing as God’s gathered people TOGETHER as ONE offering of praise. In the mean time, it’s more important for us to cultivate our inner expressions of worship first and allow the outer expressions to mature with “renewing of the mind”.

[Pastor Shu-Ling, English Congregation Worship]