
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Q: Should I still ask God for help for something even though I know I don't deserve it?

This question has lots of layers to it. On the one hand, if you're asking for something that is immoral or sinful (i.e. the Bible speaks against it), then I don't think you should be asking God at all. Whether you deserve it or not is not the issue in this case.

On the other hand, if the help you require is not against the Bible's direct teachings, then you can ask God. Theologically, I want to point out that we do not deserve anything anyway. Listen to what the Apostle Paul says in Romans 11:33-36:

Oh, the depth of the riches and s wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

“For u who has known the mind of the Lord,
or who has been his counselor?”

“Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?”

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

God created us and everything in our universe (John 1) meaning we don't deserve anything. We are not entitled to anything. God does not "owe" us anything. We owe it all to God! Therefore, asking for God's help (providing you are not asking anything that constitutes as sin) is something we ought to do! And when we ask, God will hear us and answer according to his own perfect timing. There are many examples in the Bible of individuals who asked God for help, calling upon his name. Consider King David's example (2 Sam. 22:7):

“In my distress I called upon the Lord;
to my God I called.
From his temple he heard my voice,
and my cry came to his ears."

I'd also recommend you read this article/blog, which I found helpful on this matter. Here is what Michael Lane, the author, writes:

Suppose you're having trouble making ends meet and you're not sure how you will pay this month's bills. You may ask God to send you some extra money. You may ask God to help you find a better paying job. In all likelihood, God is not going to do either of those things, though it's certainly possible. The point is that it really doesn't matter how God decides to solve the problem. By asking God for help, you have admitted that you need Him, and that is what really matters. How God decides to deal with the issue is immaterial, but rest assured He will intervene in the best way possible.

God does not want you to depend on a particular solution; He wants you to depend on Him.

Asking for God's help in all situations is a very important part of our relationship with Him. When you ask for God to help, you are indirectly saying that you trust Him and that you need Him. You are admitting your weakness and acknowledging His strength. You are submitting and surrendering to Him.

But what are we saying to God if we never ask for His help? We are saying we don't need Him. We are sending the message that we have no need of His blessing or protection and we want to go it alone.

Another reason to ask for God's help is not to seek a specific outcome, but rather to receive His comfort, support and peace. God may not provide a direct resolution to every difficulty in our lives, but He will comfort us. When you seek God during times of trouble, large or small, you are saying, "God, be with me during this time. Let my thoughts be with you and let me feel your presence."

[Answered by Pastor HM, who - like all people - owes everything to God]