
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Q: If you are a different religion and you want to become a Christian, what do you have to do to make it offical?

A: You may be surprised to learn that the answer to "how to become a Christian" is far easier than you think it is.

Let's look at the most famous verse of the Bible (and one that Pastor HM preached on 2 weeks ago). John 3:16 says this, "
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse says that if we believe in God's Son, Jesus Christ as the saviour our sins, we are granted eternal life and the privilege of going to heaven.

The question do we do that. Well, I have a "3 step guideline" that may help you gather your thoughts and work out where you're at.

Repent - Repentance means to acknowledge that we are sinners and that in order to be saved from our sins (which would otherwise result in death), we need a Saviour. Part of this process is to understand that we cannot save ourselves from sin, but to look ahead to Christ who did that for us on the cross.
Recognize - Recognize the fact that Christ is in fact the one that saves us from our sins. Scripture tells us that the wages of sin is death...but it also tells us that Christ took that death penalty for us. So that when we believe in Him, we can have eternal life and a relationship with Christ. By His death, we are saved.
Accept the Gift
- Accepting the gift means simply to put your faith in Christ and accept what He has done for you by His death. Salvation is not earned, it's not's given freely and can be accepted freely by you. All you have to do is believe.

It's really that simple in becoming a Christian. Many people think that you have to wait a certain period of time or do special tasks in order to attain this "title", but that is far from the truth. God doesn't ask us to jump through hoops or complete a check list before allowing us to be called children of His.

However, in re-reading this question, I think your specific situation may be more difficult than the average student in our fellowship. You specify that you are a different religion and ask how to become a Christian. I'm going to venture out and guess that this other religion that you speak of is not exactly your own, but that of your family's. As in, your family may be Buddhist and you were raised Buddhist...but after attending our services/fellowship for awhile, you would like to make the choice in becoming a Christian.

If your family is open and accepting, then this should only be a slight hurdle. However, if they are not and are adamantly against you joining our could be a bigger battle. The "3 steps" on how to become a Christian still stands, regardless of religious affiliation. But I would encourage you to talk to your counselor or Pastor about this. They could help you on a more personal level (rather than on the Internet through this blog). It may be difficult for your family to understand, but the decision on Christ is a personal one and one that only you can make.

Please talk to your counselor or Pastor about this, they could really give you more personal advice.

[answered by Pastor KJT, who stood firm in her decision with Christ and has never looked back]