
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Q: If God tell us to love our neighbours, including enemies, as ourselves, does this mean He loves Satan too?

In short, No. As a holy angel, Satan was created and loved by God, but He became arrogant, prideful and wanted to elevate himself above God (Isaiah 14:12-15). Thus, God had no choice but to cast him out of heaven. Today, Satan is still trying to elevate his throne above God, hoping to gain the worship of human beings. The reason why God does not love Satan is because He is unrepentant, continues to deceive humans and opposes everything that God is. In fact, Satan's very name means "adversary" or "one who opposes." From Revelation 20:10, we know that God's wrath remains on Satan and that He will eventually bring Him to justice.

God tells us to love our neighbours and our enemies because it is one way to open their hearts toward Jesus. They still have a chance to repent and believe in God through your life's witness. Satan, however, has made his choice, and his fate is sealed.

For more information on Satan, read these articles.

[Answered by Pastor HM]