So the question if adam and eve are the 1st human that god created, why are there evidence of human evolution? Does this mean that humans are created and animals are only the ones that evolved????
And another question....does the story in bible starts after dinosaurs extinct???? And if humans are created since the earth started then why are there no humans during the prehistoric times? Are humans wiped out b4 dinosaurs came to earth and then animals start evolving to humans again?"
I appreciate your question, as I took my biology classes and wondered the same things. I've answered this question before, but here is the LINK again to a great resource (credit: Mars Hill Church). The author of the article answers the bulk, if not all, your questions.I recommend you read the entire document very carefully, especially the 6 views of creation.
To answer your questions briefly...
1. Christians can believe in "micro-evolution"(i.e. small changes in one species over time or "change below a species level") but should not "accept the yet unproven and highly suspect thesis of macro-evolution that one species can evolve into another species entirely."
Also I'd recommend you get a copy of Lee Strobel's "Case for Faith" and read the chapter about macro versus micro evolution. Strobel argues that macro-evolution is only a theory with little proof.
2. Dinosaurs: "When it comes to explaining the apparent existence and now extinction of dinosaurs there are generally two answers. Those who believe in a young earth believe that the dinosaurs were among the animals Adam named in Genesis 2:19-20 and that they were wiped out in the Flood of Genesis 6-9. Those who hold an old earth position generally believe that the dinosaurs lived and became extinct before Adam was ever born."
As a bonus (!), here is another LINK where you can watch videos of different answers to common questions often asked about evolution (FYI: "Did dinosaurs and humans exist at the same time?" is answered in a video)
[Answered by Pastor HM]