
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Q: What does the Bible or Christianity in general say about tattoos?

Q: This question is on the minds of many young people today. In the previous generations, tattoos were the permanent markings of criminals and those enlisted in the army. However, tattoos have recently been made popular and available through the media attention of such celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox, who speak forwardly about their ink. Reality shows like Miami Ink and LA Ink have also made the once stigmatized tattoos into mainstream culture.

Let's look at the Bible and see what it says. Leviticus 19:28
'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.' This is the only passage in the Bible that talks specifically about tattoos and putting marks on your body. Some of us may interpret this literally, close the book and say that tattoos are prohibited according to God and the Bible. However, I believe it is important to read the verses before and after, getting the full picture, before making any stance.

The passages surrounding Leviticus 19:28 deal with the pagan rituals that God forbid at the time. God desires for His people to be set apart from the world (refer to the God's general will for our lives in the below question). God forbids His holy people to engage in idolatrous, pagan worship and gives us these guidelines to keep us from straying away from Him.

It is also important to note that within the same chapter, Leviticus 19:26 also says not to eat meat with blood still in it, and verse 27 tells us not to cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. Back then, these rituals were associated with, all of us eat our steak medium rare and cut our hair. And so the question tattooing still Biblically prohibited today. My answer is yes and no. The issue of tattooing is neither commanded or forbidden.

When my youth ask me about tattoos and if they should/are allowed to get one...the question I always ask them is:
what is your motivation for getting a tattoo?

Here are some questions that you should ask yourself if you are considering getting one:

- are you glorifying God, or are you glorifying yourself?
- will my tattoo cause someone who is weaker than I am to stumble in their faith?
- will this tattoo cause disunity within my family and is in disobedience to your parents?
- practically, will you still want this tattoo when you're 50 years old?
- when you have kids, how will you answer when they ask if you they can get one?

These are all questions that you need to ask and honestly answer to yourself. Ultimately, the decision is between you and God. But here is some of my own advice. Take it.

- Be smart in your ways, don't let the world dictate what is cool and what is not.
- If you still live under your parent's roof, and they don't want you to get one. DON'T GET ONE. Honour thy mother and father in this way also.
- Don't follow trends...they come and go, and that tat will stay
- Don't get something ridiculous

On a side note, if you are now wondering about piercings, this question has been addressed via THIS post.

[answered by Pastor KJT]