
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Q: What does it mean to meditate on God's Word?

To answer this question, we must first understand what the word meditate means: To engage in contemplation or reflection, to focus one's thoughts on: reflect or ponder over.

Listen to what one author writes:
Meditation is a function of the mind and the heart. It is what we think about in our hearts and it is something we each do every day. Whether we realize it or not, we all spend a large portion of our time in some form of meditation. The thing is, what we meditate on may or may not be worth while. In fact, what we habitually think about is frequently unhealthy for our growth as Christians. Often it is simply sinful. This is why I asked you earlier to spend some time making notes about what you thing about. This is the first step in the process of training ourselves to think correctly.
What then is Christian meditation? It is the deliberate practice of turning our hearts and our minds to the full time task of bringing the word of God to life in the daily activities of our lives. God wants to change us from the inside out. He wants to renew our minds and hearts so they will become more like his own. However, it is only by God's grace and power that this could ever happen. We cannot change ourselves. God uses a number of things to accomplish this. But the primary tool he uses is his own word recorded in the Bible. If we ignore it, he cannot work in us. If we use it and put it to use, he will be able to enter into our lives and form us into what he wants us to be. Meditation on the word of God allows its transforming power to renew our minds and change our hearts. 
HOW do we meditate on God's Word? Justin Taylor has a great little post that will help. It also contains a bunch of links that will further your understanding in this crucial area of Christian living.

[Answered by Pastor HM]