
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Q: Would it be a sin to want to be famous one day? I want to be an actor but my parents want me to be someone with a stable job...

...should I listen to my parents or do what I want?

A: Ask anyone if they have a crazy bucket-less dream and they'll probably share it with you. Mine would be be a recording artist and perform at Madison Square Gardens, Pastor Ho-Ming's would probably be to own 200+ guitars and travel with U2...others might be the same as yours: to be an actor/actress in Hollywood and one day become a star.

However, most often times than not, reality sinks in...and your parents obviously know that. Ever heard of the term "starving artist"? Take it literally...because those who go down the route that you want to often don't make it and don't have the means to support themselves financially. Your parents have great intentions of pointing you to something realistic and self-sustaining...don't think they are holding you back from what you want to accomplish. They are merely being good parents and giving you good advice.

To answer your question if wanting to be famous is a sin, let's try this equation out:

being famous equals self glory
self glory does not equal God glory
than being famous does not equal God glory

What I'm trying to say is that when you put your fame first before the fame of God, you are creating an idol in your life. An idol is not just a statue or a material's ANYTHING in your life that takes away from you giving all the glory to God.

The fact that that you started this question by saying "Would it be a sin to want to be famous" and not "Would it be a sin to want to be an actor", kind of shows where your heart is: you want to be famous.

You really need to look deep inside your heart and evaluate your intentions. Do you have a gift that you want to share with the world? Will you be using this gift to point to God? Do you believe that God has given you this gift? OR, have you been reading way too many teen magazines of young people making it rich in this world and you desire that same fame?

Not all celebrities are conceited beings who care only about themselves. There are many who have found the balance of having fame with humbleness. However, if you look at the majority, there are many more who have allowed their fame and money to become and idol in their lives. They choose money over marriage, they opt for divorce when it's convenient, and morals are gone out the window in movie roles.

It's about the heart...put God first and cast all idols aside.

God's First Commandment:
"You shall have no other Gods before me"

God's Second Commandment:
"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them"
Exodus 20:3-5

[answered by Pastor KJT]