
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Q: Will God forgive us, even if we have had an infatuated relationship?

in·fat·u·a·tion (ĭ-fāch'ōō-ā'shən):
1. A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction.
2. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.

A: God will forgive anyone for any sin as long as they repent of it and make an active decision to change their lives.

So, having said answer your question, yes, God can and will forgive.

HOWEVER...(and you know that this was coming), it is important to be in relationships for the right reasons. I can't stress this enough, young people! Staying in a relationship because you are smitten by the other person (which is basically infatuation), is not a good enough reason. There must be more to the looks or even the personality that you are intrigued with.

I urge you to be in a relationship for the right reasons. If your friends are all dating, and you know you're not ready, there is NOTHING wrong with being single for the moment and waiting until you know you've matured in Christ.

Being in a relationship pre-maturely may seem safe and fun, but if you're not mature enough to realize what you want and what God wants, the consequences are quite intense.

For more information on Godly dating, please go HERE. This is a sermon that Pastor Ho-Ming and I preached on this past Valentines Day about what type of mate to look for and how to honour God in our relationships.