
Friday, May 8, 2009

Q: It is a sin to ignore God's calling or messages? (This is in reference to signs and messages)

A: The way that I interpret this question is 2 parts: 1. God's general calling for our lives, and 2. specific callings in our lives (like vocation, or ministry involvement). I will try to answer this question within those 2 parameters, but if it has not addressed your question, please feel free to ask again or contact us.

God's general calling for our lives is summed up by this: 'Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.' (Leviticus 19:2).
As children of God, we are to take Him as the example, and as God is holy, it is our responsibility and calling to also be holy. This is the lifestyle that we must adopt. Having said that, if you possess the knowledge of the Bible, and you are a professing Christian who has accepted Christ as your Saviour from sin...and you ignore this command from God (be Holy as He is holy), yes it is a sin. You are directly taking a stance of disobedience, and that is NOT holy, righteous or pleasing to God.

God's specific calling for your life are things such as career choices, life choices or if you feel like God is calling you into a specific ministry. This is where discernment and spiritual maturity is needed. In the 2nd part of this question, it mentioned "signs and messages". I am assuming that you have asked for signs from God to confirm what you feel that God is calling you to do.

A friend once told me this: delayed obedience is still disobedience.

If you feel like God is calling you to do something for Him, and you deliberately delay it, yes, it is sinful in the eyes of our God. However, this sin is redeemable as when we turn back to Him and submit to what He has called us to do, we fall in line with His will. If you have been testing God and asking Him for signs, perhaps this post will be of assistance to you.

If you are struggling in this area, I would suggest you explore the following things:

1. Where is your accountability? - Who are some few close people that you can trust that can speak into your life? Godly friends, parents, counselors, Pastors? These are all people that can tell you the truth and will point you in the right direction.

2. Where is your Bible? (Psalm 119:104-106) - The Bible gives us great wisdom when searching out the truth in our lives. Flip it open, start reading it, and ask God to illuminate the scriptures for you and allow you to hear what He has to say.

3. What is your prayer? - PRAY PRAY PRAY. Asking God to reveal clear signs for you, bring you accountability that will help you, and even open doors showing the way for you...can help bring you closer to the answer you are looking for. Give this completely up to God, after all, if it is in His will, He will make it happen as long as you are open and obedient.

[answered by Pastor Kelly J. Tam, who finally answered the call in 2004]