
Friday, March 12, 2010

Q: Speaking in tongues?

I recently started attending a pentecostal church. I like that church because their worship and messages are amazing and i can feel God working in me. But one thing that bothers me is the speaking in tongues and the manifestation that goes on in that church. I don't find that "normal" because I've attended Chinese churches like RHCCC all my life. Can you tell me what you think about these church with the manifestation and the speaking in tongues?

In churches across denominations in the past, present and probably future (til Christ comes back), “speaking in tongues” has been a contested issue. Some churches believe that the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT have ceased (cessationists), while others believe they continue today.
There is no biblical evidence that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased and thus I would not be a “cessationist” but what is important is to know what God has revealed through the bible about speaking in tongues.

"What is speaking in tongues? We may define this gift as follows: Speaking in tongues is prayer or praise spoken in syllables not understood by the speaker.”

Here’s a few things to consider: Speaking in tongues is primarily speech directed TOWARD God (praise and prayer). Unlike prophecy, which is directed FROM God, person who speaks in tongues directs to themselves and God (1 Cor 14:2, 28)

- No one should understand the words if it is in tongues (1 Cor 14:2)
- Should not be ecstatic (going “crazy”) but self-controlled which is why Paul kept some order when people were speaking in this manner (1 Cor 14:27-28)
- In that same passage, Paul says if no one can interpret the tongue speaking, that person should keep silence in church and speak to themselves and God.
- In (1 Cor 14:5) Paul says tongue speaking can be helpful, just like prophesying, as long as it’s interpreted
- Not EVERYONE speaks in tongues. Not everyone has the same gifting (1 Cor 12:30)

(cited from Wayne Grudem – Systematic Theology)

In conclusion, as we encounter those who may be able to speak in tongues, we need to remember what scripture says about it and other Spiritual gifts. Then we will have a better foundation to talk to those about what they are doing (whether to affirm the word, or rebuke if necessary). We should heed the wise words of Pastor C.J. Mahaney, leader of the Sovereign Grace Church movement who consider themselves reformed but charismatic. He says that the gifts of Spirit should always point towards God… not to the gifts themselves. They should glorify God or else they would be considered idols in and of themselves.

[Answered by Pastor Shu, worship pastor]