
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Q: My friend since a long time ago is not Christian, but another religion. We respect each other's religion and often tell each other of our beliefs...


...Recently, she has told me stories of how there are ghosts in her house, and how they have attacked her relatives, even though they are 'ghosts' and not human beings. She has claimed that these 'ghosts' have attempted to cause physical harm to her relatives and tried to kill them. She also claims that there is a 'Goddess' living inside her mother. Although we have been friends for a long time, I do not know how to counter these suppositions back from a Christian point-of-view without faltering our friendship. I do not know what may have happened, or the explanations of these events, but is it uncommon, in a sense, for this to be considered when someone is demon-possessed?

A:  First, I think it's great that you are able to share your faith with your friend.  And even though she has not accepted Jesus, I'm glad that you are able to be open with her and not have to hide that area in your life.  I pray that you'll be able to show her the extensive love of Christ through your actions and care.
Secondly, if what your friend is saying is true, it is no surprise that her and her family and experiencing such things.  Jesus spoke about demons and Satan all the time (recall Jesus being tempted from Satan in the desert in Matthew 4 or Jesus driving out demons in Mark 1:21-28).  Demons are around us, they are here to take us away from God and basically wreck havoc on earth.  

Let's get one thing straight...Satan and demons are around here right now.  We arent living in a time and place where spiritual warfare isnt happening and cant happen to us.  The only way to be saved from this is if we align ourselves with Christ.  Jesus had the authority to abolish demons when He was on earth, and that ability still stands today.  

In James, it says, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder" (2:19).  What this passage shows us is that God is alive, the demons know it and they fear His name. 

Read this short article by Pastor John Piper for some other insight.  Click HERE.

[answered by Pastor KJT]