
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Q: One of my friends is changing a lot lately. They're not the same person as they were before and I dont really like the "new them".

...I feel like ending our friendship, but I feel bad. I've know this person for a long time, they didn't use to be like this, they use to be awesome. I've been praying about it, but things aren't getting any better. Is it time for the friendship to be finished, or should I hold onto it to see if it can be fixed?

A: Have you TALKED to your friend about this recent change? Do they KNOW how to feel?

This is definitely the first step that I think you should take. Communication is key have to let your friend know (in a loving way!) that you've noticed a change in them. Also, I think it's important to ask yourself if this change is just annoying you, or it's genuinely something that does not glorify God and edifies the friendship. In any case, you should discuss it!

The Bible says that we should speak out in love and talk to one another. I suggest that you do this and get your point across before you consider moving on. Friendships take time, effort and communication to grow, and this could be that time where your friendship with your friend could become even stronger. I know that it may be hard to address the issues here, but I'd suggest for you to give it a try before throwing in the towel.

If all else fails and your friend refuses to change and continues to hurt you with his/her actions, than perhaps it is time to move on. Friends come and go in your me. You likely won't have the same friends in elementary school that you would have in high school. And even still, those high school friends will change in university/college and even more so afterward when you are working and married. You'll likely just have a handful of friends that you still keep in touch with and are close with after 10 years. That may be hard to accept, but it's a principle that is tried, tested and true.

All I can say is, choose your friends wisely and make sure they are people who can encourage and spur you on. Know how to communicate with them and know when it's time to move on. These are life principles that you'll learn as you grow. Blessings!

[Answered by Pastor KJT]