
Friday, February 26, 2010

V-Day Podcast is LIVE.

Our live Ask Us Session on dating, sex and relationships ("V-Day") took place Friday Night, February 19, 2010. Over 50 questions were asked (40 of them were live text-in questions!). We tried to answer as many as possible, but in the end, we had about 10 unanswered (We'll answer them soon via another live session or via this blog).

You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the following links:

(1) PART ONE (1 hour, 18 min.) and (2) PART TWO (33 min.).

Among the questions asked were the following...

You say that there is marriage when you find the other half God has given to you. If that’s the case then why is there divorce?

Some couples say I love you right away but some aren’t ready to say it after a year. How do you know when the right time to say it?

How far is too far when it comes to physical intimacy? I mean, as long as you don’t have premarital sex it’s okay, right?

If your potential soulmate, like you really believe you’re going to spend your life with this person, asks you to choose between God and him or her, how should you respond?

I’m in a relationship but we don’t talk, what do I do *sad face*

What if your parents beat you if they find out that you’re dating someone? What if they go and yell at who we’re dating? (personal experience)

How do you get over a hard and painful breakup?

If you’re dating is it ok to prioritize and neglect your gf/bf over your other friends in life?

What would you say is the hardest thing about marriage?

I have a Christian friend who’s dating a guy 4 years older than her and they’ve already gone FAAR. I’m scared for her so how should I respond?

Is infatuation a sin?

What if you like a Christian best friend?

How do I get a non-christian friend out of an unhealthy relationship?

What if you have more than one girlfriend of boyfriend?

My friend’s really mean to me…it makes me really sad L what should I do?

What do we do if we’re no longer a virgin?

My ex keeps following me and bugging me, what do I do?

Is it wrong to date my friend’s ex?

If a non-christian friend has told you that they have had sex, how should you respond?

Is dating for fun ok? Must all relationships be serious or the first step towards marriage?

How do you deal with someone who likes you but is the same sex as you?

Is it alright for a guy to date a girl who is 2 years older than him?

What should I do if I like one of my friend’s sibling?

I got my girlfriend pregnant…As a Christian what should I do?

I met this guy who I thought was pretty cool, but he won’t leave me alone. He sends me creepy messages on Facebook. How do I deal with him in a nice Christianly manner. This person is a true stalker, like seriously.

Thanks to everyone who came, and especially the brave counselors on the panel! As this was a resounding success, we'll try to do another in the near future!