
Friday, February 5, 2010

Q: It is wrong to admire yourself?

A: It's not wrong to be proud of your accomplishments, but it is wrong to hold them above your God. We are all given gifts and talents in our lives and we use them to fulfill the purpose that God has created us for. It's not bad to be proud of the worship set that you just practiced, or the missions trip that you were just on. But is IS bad when you look upon those things and put them FIRST before God. Meaning; are you proud of the worship set because you honoured and worshiped God? Or are you proud that you were able to show off your talents in front of the congregation?

When we admire ourselves, we are associating the accomplishments that we have with our own ability. The Bible tells us that if we are to boast, let us boast in the Lord (1 Cor 30-31). Which means that while we can be proud of ourselves, we must always be grounded in remembering that every accomplishment we have, ever talent and gift that we possess, comes from the Lord.

[answered by Pastor KJT]