
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Q: In the Book of John, what can be derived from it to be used as guidelines for differentiating good and evil in modern times?

...As in what are the rules laid out for the people of God? And how does it apply to our daily live? If possible, how do we stay focused on this goal?

A: The answer to this question looks far beyond the Book of John, but the the whole of the New Testament.

Firstly, you have to know this. That Christ came to die on the cross, not only to give us new life, but to deliver us from the present evil age. John 17:15, it says this: Father don't take them out of the world, but keep them from evil. What this means is that although we are Christian, we live in a world that is full of evil. Christ's prayer for us, is not for God to remove us from this, but for Him to keep us away from the evil that surrounds us. Through the death of Christ, we have been given a way choose good over evil.

To differentiate between good and evil is a hard one. It presents the idea of discernment and conviction. John Piper in this article, gives a great explanation as to how to make decisions when God's will isn't necessarily obvious (as in written in the Bible). I think it would give great insight to your dilemma. Please click on the link and read the article as it eloquently addresses all you are asking about.

[in case you don't have time to read it, I'll summarize. Basically, in order to tell the difference between good and evil, we have to have a "renewal of our minds". Look at this world through the eyes of God, ask Him for guidance and seek Him in all that you do. I love this passage from the Psalmist "delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart" [37:4]. When we align ourselves with God...when our heart beats for the things that God wants...He'll grant us the desires that we want to see. The idea here is that those desires are not the selfish ones (material goods, fake happiness, etc). But that those desires are ones that honour and glorify God (abolishing slavery and poverty, helping the widows and orphans). When our hearts are aligned with God, it helps us to understand and see the world through His eyes, and allows us ultimately to discern between that which is good and that which is evil. Read the article!]

Staying focused on this goal means commitment and sacrifice. We are called to be the light in this world...the good in the evil (Matthew 5:13-16). It means that we do the opposite with what the world is telling us to do...that being love ourselves only, work for ourselves only, satisfy ourselves only. Christ instead, does the exact opposite...He tells us to love others, to work for Him, and to help the poor and widowed that our outside of our community.

In order to do this, you have to establish yourself in Christ, yearn and develop a deep relationship with Him. Love the things that He loves, hate the things that He hates. And be willing to JUMP in with both feet and fully give your life as a living sacrifice to Him.

[answered by Pastor KJT]