
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Q: Even though the Bible states that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, can we say that all sins are equal?

...According to the Bible, it seems that they are not. Can you shed some light into this? If it is true, can we justify "smaller" sins?

A: Thanks for asking this question! It's so applicable to our post-modern world right now as our society has somehow developed their own idea of morality and the varying degrees of this.

From the stories in the Bible, it may seem that God views some sins more serious than others...but that in fact is not the underlying truth. Romans 6:23 tells us: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ALL sin is looked upon as defiance to God and the punishment for those sins are death. No matter if it's a little lie to get out of trouble or covering up the tracks of a serial killer. They are all the same to God. A sin, is a a sin. There is no varying degree of them.

However, we have to take into the account of the death of Christ and what it ultimately gives us...grace. Grace comes into the picture because it is by grace which we are forgiven of those sins. By accepting Christ as our Saviour...we are believing in the pardon that His death gives us for us and our sins. We don't have to die, because He has died for us already.

Having said that, just because God gives us grace and pardon for our sins, does not mean that some are more evil than others. It's the complete opposite, as a matter of fact. Those sins are exactly the same, He just gives us Christ instead.

To further your last point about the justification of smaller are treading on very deep waters if you start to do that. As soon as we begin to justify the sins in our lives, we are playing God. It's very plain and clear...any sin is a sin. DO NOT look upon God's mercy and grace to mistake it for His weakness. You are intentionally defying Him and for lack of betters words...He'll show you who's boss.

Check out this short article by John Piper, he supplements my answer well. Click HERE.

[answered by Pastor KJT, who is saved by grace cause God knows that she's sinful]