
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Q: Does the Bible mention the actual creation/fall of Lucifer/Satan?

Where did Lucifer come from? How did he fall? What is the source for all of this?!

The Bible is the origin of the accounts of these events. According to the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testament make reference of Lucifer (or Satan, as he is commonly known) and consequently, his nature and fall.

Lucifer himself began as an angel created by God for His purposes. He is referenced in the Old Testament by the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah. As a warning and lament against the king of Tyre, one of the ancient cities, the word of God came through the prophet Ezekiel in the form of comparing their nation with Lucifer. In Ezekiel 28:11-15, it talks about how the devil was originally made to be a guardian cherub and he was considered one of the most beautiful, splendid, and powerful angels. Timing-wise, Lucifer was there in Eden and even possibly before the creation of the world.

Later on, in Ezekiel 28:16-19, it talks about Lucifer's fall. In fact, it wasn't much of a fall as it was God expelling the angel out of heaven. Lucifer was too prideful in his own beauty and power, looking to make himself higher than God. The prominent prophet Isaiah talks about Satan's fall in Isaiah 14:12-15. In this passage, it speaks about Lucifer as the 'morning star' (a description of beauty) and his desire to be higher than God, which ultimately ends up with him being sent down to the lowest pit.

In the New Testament, Luke 10:18 recounts Jesus telling those around him that He saw Satan being cast out of heaven. In the book of Revelation, John saw the vision of Satan and his angels waging a war in heaven, losing, and cast down into the earth. (Rev. 12:7-9)

For some more resources, all backed by Scripture, check these out:
  • If you're wondering who Satan is, take a look at this link.
  • To see how the Bible considers Lucifer and Satan as one and the same, check this out.
  • Here is an article that gives Biblical answers to the how, when, and why Satan fell.
[Answered by Jon]