
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Q: How are we supposed to know what God's will is for us? How are we supposed to know whether or not something occurs because that is according to God's will or our own? I always pray to God asking him what He has planned for me in terms of pursuing a career. I'm really confused of what I want to do in the future and I just don't know what God's calling is for me.

A:  Hello!  Thanks for your question.  We have answered similar questions before, so please read the following posts before reading on:

It seems like your question revolves around future career paths or school program.  My advice to you would be just to relax.  I know that the uncertainty of the future causes anxiety for many people, but if you have a strong relationship with God and allow Him to guide you, you will be fine.

If you are waiting for a booming voice coming from the skies to tell you to be a doctor, dentist or accountant...that probably won't happen.  The Holy Spirit often leads in ways that aren't explicit: open doors to next to impossible school programs, job opportunities at the company of your choice, finding a mate when you least expect it. 

When our hearts are open to allowing God to work in us, than He will.  When we are in tuned with God, we'll know when and where He is leading us.  I know that that sounds arbitrary, but God isn't something we can break down and understand.  Just work on strengthening your relationship with God, read your Bible on a regular basis and serve in your local church - these are the things that God cares about.  The rest He'll take care of. 

[answered by Pastor KJT]