
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Q: Jesus coming back and the signs when it happens?

I heard that Jesus said that he would come back again (when the world ends) when everyone in the world have known about him and when the Jews turn back to God. Is it true? Either way, what signs are there when the time comes?
Those are good questions that deserve way more time to explicate, but nonetheless, here are some thoughts scripturally:

We do not know when Christ will return.

Passages such as Matt 24:44, Matt 25:13, and Mark 13:32-33 actually state that Jesus will come back “at an hour you do not expect”.  “Hour” or [hõra] is best understood as time in a more general sense.  The point of these passages is Jesus telling us that we CANNOT know when He is coming back and since He is coming back at an unexpected time, we should be ready at all times for His return.  There have been many attempts at making predictions of a future date and time of Christ’s return, which has in turn misled many Christians.  Therefore, we need to reject those predict specific dates and times in that regard.

The Apostle Peter reminds us that God has a different perspective on time, “But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  The Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness.”  So although there are numerous passages talking about the return of Christ being near, we should also consider that it does not necessary mean chronologically close by human time standards.

Lastly, there are definitely some passages that describe the signs of Christ returning.  Here are some:

    •    The Preaching of the Gospel to All Nations (Mark 13:10, cf. Matt. 24:14)
    •    The Great Tribulation (Mark 13:7-8, Luke 21:20-24)
    •    False Prophets Working Signs and Wonders (Mark 13:22, cf. Matt. 24:23-24)
    •    Signs in the Heavens (Mark 13:22; Luke 21:15-27)
    •    The Coming of the Man of Sin and Rebellion (Rev. 13, 2 Thess. 2:1-10, etc)
    •    The Salvation of Israel (Romans 11)

Very honestly, there has been much scholarly dispute to how all these things will pan out, but I think more importantly than trying to discern the “end time” is to consider this:
“No matter what the differences on the details, all Christians who take the Bible as their final authority agree that the final and ultimate result of Christ’s return will be the judgment of unbelievers and the final reward of believers, and that believers will live with Christ in a new heaven and a new earth for all eternity.  God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will reign and will be worshiped in a never-ending kingdom with no more sin or sorrow or suffering.”

Wayne Grudem (Systematic Theology)
[Answered by Pastor Shu-Ling]